1. 2021.01-2023.12 北京市教育委员会科技计划一般项目 “雌激素膜受体GPER在奶牛子宫内膜炎中的抗炎作用及分子机制”,项目编号:KM202110020004;
2. 2020.10-2022.10 海关总署科研项目“海关工作犬人工繁育体系的建立”,项目编号:2020HK271;
3. 2016.01-2018.12北京农学院青年科学基金“褪黑素对猪精子热应激的保护作用及机制研究”,项目编号:QNKJ202005。
1. Xiao L, Wang Z, Lu N, Wei H, Kang J, Yuan M, Sheng X, Qi X, Xing K, Guo Y, Wang X, Zhao J, Gao Y, Ni H. Dihydrotestosterone through blockade of TGF-β/Smad signaling mediates the anti-fibrosis effect under hypoxia in canine Sertoli cells. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2022 Feb;216:106041.(第一作者,IF=4.294)
2. Xiao L, Wang Z, Lu N, He Y, Qiao L, Sheng X, Qi X, Xing K, Guo Y, Chang D, Wang X, Zhao J, Deng X, Ni H, Kang J. GPER mediates the IL6/JAK2/STAT3 pathway involved in VEGF expression in swine ovary GCs. J Mol Endocrinol. 2021 Nov 12;68(1):23-33. (第一作者,IF=5.098)
3. Xiao L, Sun W, Su Y, Lu N, He Y, Sheng X, Qi X, Xing K, Guo Y, Chang D, Wang X, Zhao J, Ni H. Dihydrotestosterone regulation of cyclooxygenase-2 expression in bovine endometrial epithelium cells by androgen receptor mediated EGFR/PI3K/Akt pathway. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2021 Nov;214:106001. (第一作者,IF=4.294)
4. Xiao L, Hu J, Song L, Zhang Y, Dong W, Jiang Y, Zhang Q, Yuan L, Zhao X. Profile of melatonin and its receptors and synthesizing enzymes in cumulus-oocyte complexes of the developing sheep antral follicle-a potential estradiol-mediated mechanism. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2019 Jan 3;17(1):1. (第一作者,IF=5.211)
5. Xiao L, Song L, Hu J, Zhang Q, Jiang Y, Duan H, Zhang Y, Zhao X, Hua Y. Dihydrotestosterone synthesis in the sheep corpus luteum and its potential mechanism in luteal regression. J Cell Physiol. 2019 Jan 22. (第一作者,IF=6.384)
6. Xiao L, Hu J, Zhao X, Song L, Zhang Y, Dong W, Zhang Q, Ma Y, Li F. Expression of melatonin and its related synthase and membrane receptors in the oestrous corpus luteum and corpus luteum verum of sheep. Reprod Domest Anim. 2018 Oct;53(5):1142-1148. (第一作者,IF=2.005)
7. Wang X, Li Q, Xie T, Yuan M, Sheng X, Qi X, Xing K, Liu F, Guo Y, Xiao L(*), Ni H. Exosomes from bovine endometrial epithelial cells ensure trophoblast cell development by miR-218 targeting secreted frizzled related protein 2. J Cell Physiol. 2021 Jun;236(6):4565-4579. (通讯作者,IF=6.384)
8. Hu JJ, Xiao LF(*), Song LL, Ge WB, Duan HW, Jiang Y. The expression of melatonin receptors MT1 and MT2 is regulated by E2 in sheep oviduct. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2020 Jan 15;286:113135. (通讯作者,IF=2.821)
9. 孙宛序; 黄启震; 李博宇; 苏运泽; 张翘楚; 肖龙菲(*); 齐晓龙; 邢凯; 王相国; 盛熙晖; 郭勇; 倪和民. 雌二醇对哺乳动物子宫内膜血管生成调控的研究进展[J]. 中国农学通报, 2021, 37(17):5.
10. 孙宛序,黄启震,李博宇,苏运泽,张翘楚,肖龙菲(*),齐晓龙,邢凯,王相国,盛熙晖. E2通过p38MAPK及PI3K/Akt信号通路调控奶牛子宫内膜上皮细胞中COX-2的表达[J]. 华北农学报, 2021.
1. 获农业农村部2020-2021 年度神农中华农业科技奖三等奖1项 (排名第9位)。